About the Author

About the Author


I am a writer and retired pastor in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Born in England and grew up in Canada, California and Belize.  I’m proud to be husband to Tiffany and a Dad with 3 grown children and 7 grandkids who think I am very old, but who keep me very young.

Before retiring, I pastored for twenty years in Montreal and Ontario.  Prior to that I taught high school English and Theatre and then served 17 years with students and educators in Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.  

My background in literature and pastoral work informs my reading, preaching and teaching of the scriptures. Living in Belize in my teens and in Montreal for two decades as an adult taught me a lot about cross-cultural sensitivity.

For most of my life I paid very little attention to issues of the environment. But that began to change in 2006 when I married a hydrogeologist named Tiffany who introduced me to the wonders of water.  As a way of bridging our two worlds, I began studying and then blogging on the theme of water in the Bible. Three years later these writings became a book called Downstream from Eden, a wide-ranging study of the natural, social and spiritual dimensions of water in the Bible.

Today I am more active in promoting the cause of Creation Care as part of my own faithfulness to God and encouraging Christians to help address issues of environmental justice and stewardship.

Check out this video about David!